I think it is sad when people are bored when talking about our current presidential race. This race is anything but boring. For the first time a woman and a black man are simultaneously running for the democratic nomination. Who becomes our next president determines how much longer we’ll be in Iraq. Our next president may pull us out of economic hard times.
I personally am not tired of hearing about our sluggish economy. Sluggish is also the wrong word. Gas is well above the adjusted inflation average. According to AAA, the average gallon of regular unleaded costs $3.64 p/gal. If we base our adjusted inflation price off the 1981 spike, gas should be on average around $3.12 p/gal. The only people that don’t want to listen to what is going on with our economy are ignorant, rich, or living on daddy’s credit card. But even smart rich people are paying attention. Many people believe that much tougher times are ahead. Times that even a credit card won’t fix.

Also, a personal friend of mine is working within this issue in San Angelo with the polygamists. There is a lot more truth to this story than she thinks. Honestly, she has no problem with little girls who don’t have an identity because they were born in the compound and don’t even have a social security card. The girl who first complained of rape drawing all the attention to these evil men is nowhere to be found. But let’s leave the “400 sum children” with those same men.
Now here’s the part that cracked me up, “I will never become a politician nor a writer or a blogger”. She got that right! “…but there are always issues that come to my attention and I will voice it at times, but right now there is nothing that concerns me about my government. They are fine the way they were.” What about the issues did she address? The government is fine the way it is? Did she take English Composition yet? This article looks like she googled “current political issues” and copied it to her blog assignment and then wrote a short personal paragraph. Spell check doesn’t cover sentences that don’t make sense, unfortunately. I don’t even know how to end this, but I’ve wasted enough energy on it. Goodbye.